Content and Reviews
I write post on this website for my personal enjoyment and my readers information. Though, thoroughly researching a topic prior to writing an article. The resulting article is still just my opinion. As such, I do not claim expertise or authority in any topic I write about.
I endeavor to keep my reviews independent and honest and positive:
- I will not write a review of a product that I have a business relationship or affiliation with the supplier without explicitly stating so.
- Reviewing a product or service means it is used either by myself or an associate of mine.
- I do not post negative reviews or bash any products or services. (My Mom taught me if you don’t have anything good to say don’t say anything at all)
Advertising and Affiliate Marketing.
My post may contain affiliate links! If you buy something through one of those links, you won’t pay a penny more, but we’ll get a small commission, which helps to keep this reviews and articles coming.
As the owner of this website I have registered as an affiliate marketer with the following sites
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